Thursday, 11 October 2007

Alice Springs

Hi all, sorry for the delays, things have been busy! Well yes, I am now in Alice Springs, I just took the 'legenday' Ghan train down from Darwin and got in a few hours ago.

Darwin was hot, wow, so hot and so humid. There isn't a tremendous amount to see or do there to be honest, but I went on a 3 day safari round Kakadu National Park, and that was just great - good people, good tour guide, loads of fun - inspite of the mumidity and the 41c weather! Thoroughly enjoyed it, and some of the scenery really is just unbelievable, I'll try to get some pics up once I have a chance, but you'll be blown away.

So yes, alice springs for a week and then i'm off to adelaide!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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